Siam Paragon Walkway Pano

June 9, 2011

Panorama Instructions:

Hold down the left mouse button, keyboard arrows, or touchscreen then move to navigate in any direction.

Press the + key, mousewheel up, or pinch on touchscreen to zoom in and - key, mousewheel down, pinch to zoom out.

User Controlled Panorama of Siam-Paragon Mall Walkway Open Area Fountain - Bangkok, Thailand - Daily Travel Photos
(Bangkok, Thailand)
f/11 ▪ 1/160s ▪ @17mm ▪ ISO400 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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A user-controlled panorama of the open area walkway between Siam Mall and Paragon Mall in Bangkok (Adobe Flash Required).

The downtown malls are my home away from home (away from home). An average person would say I spend far too much time in this open mall area. I'm here at least twice a week, not necessarily to buy anything, but instead to sit around and feel the energy of a mass of downtown people. If you're into staring at beautiful Thai women people watching, it makes sense to set up camp on one of the benches and enjoy the view as the beautiful people of Bangkok ignore your very existence because they have much more interesting things to do.

siam paragon mall bangkok