Innovation In a Flash

April 19, 2010

A Flash user-controlled panorama of Antwerp's Centraal Train Station. - Antwerp, Belgium - Daily Travel Photos
(Antwerp, Belgium)
f/11 ▪ 0.6s ▪ @20mm ▪ ISO200 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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A user-controlled panorama of Antwerp's Centraal train station. (warning: 22.0 MB swf file!!!)

If you're on a slow third world connection or you're leaching internet from your neighbor's 9600 baud modem, I recommend you wait, say, 2 hours for the flash object above to download. For those on a fast connection, a quick snackie-poo break and the Flash panorama should have downloaded by the time you return. Otherwise, the image below shows a fragment of the panorama you're missing. The same image acts as a placeholder for 3rd party sites such as Flickr that hold my photos but not Flash.

Several weeks ago, I whined about the Centraal station panorama not stitching properly in Photoshop. Out of nowhere, a novel method to display the panorama struck me. Using my rudimentary Adobe Flash knowledge and busting out my high school geometry (SIN CAH TOA), I was eventually able to strong-arm the panorama you hopefully see above by now.

Mouse over the image in a slow circular motion to move the angle of view (Flash Required). If not already, please go to to see the Flash object instead of the still photo placeholder you are likely seeing.

Update July 12, 2020: HTML5 panorama substitute for this particular partial panorama wasn't possible.

antwerp centraal station

1 Comment - Innovation In a Flash

1) antwerpenR -

Interesting....the panorama jumps for me, but it does give a good impression of this great station!

April 20, 2010